Telehealth Services

We use technology to enhance our everyday lives and we can utilise it to improve our health, too. And, with millions of Australians accessing telehealth services each year, the benefits are speaking for themselves.

The Care Speech Pathology team uses telehealth to connect with our clients every day. Book an appointment now to see how our telehealth speech pathology services can help you.

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Assessment and Therapy from your home

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is a popular alternative to face-to-face consultations, where the session is conducted using a convenient and easy-to-use video conferencing platform, like Zoom.

Connecting through a screen still means we can provide high-quality clinical speech pathology support, and you’ll continue to feel as engaged and empowered as you would in a traditional face-to-face consultation.

A telehealth appointment is very similar to an in-person appointment, with some added benefits including accessibility, continuity of care and appointment flexibility.

Our patients are seeing the rewards of telehealth appointments, and you can too.

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What are the benefits of telehealth?

Location flexibility

Telehealth is available wherever you have internet service, so whether you’re sitting in the comfort of your living room, or on holidays at the beach; we can still support you with your speech pathology needs.

The same level of quality

Telehealth services are no different to what you would see in a face-to-face clinic environment. You won’t miss out if you choose telehealth appointments, because you’ll still be accessing the highest quality of support and care from the Care Speech Pathology team.


If, for whatever reason, you’re unable to travel, telehealth means you never have to miss an appointment. There’s no need to get in the car or public transport. In fact, the only travelling you need to do is to the nearest comfortable seat!

Improved continuity of care

With telehealth, you’re less likely to have to miss appointments so you’ll see the benefits of improved continuity of care. While we understand there’s always times when you can’t make it, it’s often easier to make a telehealth appointment from the car, or at home, instead of having to drive to a physical office.

Additional tools and resources

In our telehealth sessions, we use a range of interactive and engaging online apps and digital tools to enhance your appointment. Technology is evolving every day, which makes telehealth appointments more advanced, informative and fun than ever before.

Regional and remote access

Our team are from all corners of Australia, so our clients can be, too. In fact, we encourage people from right across Australia to book an appointment. Living in a remote area shouldn’t mean you need to compromise on quality healthcare, and with telehealth we bring our expert knowledge and experience right to your smartphone – or laptop!

Family or caregiver involvement

Sometimes it can make a difference having a second set of ears or a comforting family member or friend joining your appointment. Previously, it might’ve been difficult for your family or caregiver to come to an appointment, but telehealth often removes this barrier and promotes more opportunities for involvement. Plus, it means we support you from inside your familiar surroundings where you are most comfortable.

No need for all the stars to align to make it to a face-to-face appointment on time, simply click a button and your session will begin!

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Speech therapy online by care speech therapy

Meet  Care Speech Pathology

Combining the convenience of telehealth, with the personal connection needed for great therapy, you’ll feel confident and comfortable working with the Care Speech Pathology team.

We understand there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to speech pathology, which is why we’ll work with you to understand your goals and limitations and finds ways to address them in our telehealth appointments.

Our team has experience supporting people with all manner of communication goals and difficulties via telehealth. We are trained to deliver high-quality, evidence-based speech pathology supports in a range of settings, to people of all ages.

And above all else, you can count on the Care Speech Pathology team to work alongside you at every stage of your journey.

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Get in touch with the Care Speech Pathology team today and book your first telehealth appointment.

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We can’t wait to meet you.

Care Speech Pathology


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